Thomsen Give Back 2017
2017 has been a great year for the Thomsen team in partnering with some wonderful organizations to give back. Being able to support these organizations within our community has been so rewarding and has given our team some great insight on how we can help to do more within the communities we serve.  Two big projects that have stood out this year are the Hero Build through Habitat for Humanity and the Great Plains BackPack program.
Habitat for Humanity Hero Build 2017

The Thomsen team could not have been more excited to spend the day volunteering for the Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity Hero Build 2017. The site where the new home is being built is the same area where Fargo police officer Jason Moszer was shot and killed just over a year ago. A day that rattled the Fargo- Moorhead community and a place associated with so much tragedy has now been given a second chance and will be a new home that will help bring joy and healing to the community.
Danielle John and her family will soon make this house their home. As a sex trafficking survivor, she has since devoted her career to helping others rebuild and overcome their pain. Â A project focused on healing, and paying it forward, many in the community have come together to make this Hero Build a success. Rachel Moszer the widow of Officer Moszer has spent many hours helping alongside the Fargo Police department in building process.
Walking through the home you will find heartfelt written messages to Danielle and her family on the wood beams throughout the house. After speaking with Danielle she let us know that she was taking photos of the kind words and going to make a collage or book of them to keep as they are covered by the sheetrock walls. The Thomsen team was so very fortunate to be a part of such an amazing project in the community. Below are highlights from the day.
 Great Plains Food Bank BackPack Program
We are proud to partner with Great Plains Food Bank and take the time to volunteer at their facility and help fund the BackPack Program which is designed to send food home with children who may not have enough. Addressing hunger has been one of Thomsen Homes give back initiatives for this year and the BackPack Program was a great fit. The Thomsen team spent the day putting together the food bags that would be distributed to children throughout the state. Â
We want to thank our clients in supporting Thomsen Homes in this initiative. Without you this would not be possible. Thank you for your help in the fight to end hunger! Below are highlights from the day.Â
We are not sure what 2018 has in-store but are excited to continue to support our communities and GIVE BACK!