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Is your home still the one?

This Valentine's Day, it's time to think of one relationship that you often don't put a lot of thought into - the relationship with your home. What does your home mean to you? Do you love your home? Do you spend a lot of time with your home, putting in endless hours of time/ care into your home?  Like most relationships, it's a good idea to step back and evaluate the place you spend your days and nights. How do you feel about your floor plan? Your location? To help you dig deeper into your home relationship, take this quiz offered by Zillow: How Much Do You Love Your Home?

We're gathered here today to find out ... when it comes to your home, is love enough?

Your life changes over time: new relationships, new jobs, new hobbies. Sometimes, you can make changes to your home to adapt to your lifestyle — but sometimes you can’t. And the hardest part? Knowing when to let go.

Take our quiz to find out your relationship status — with your living space.


What were your results? If you got 'Ready to Move on', check out our Available Homes and stop dreaming, call us today before you're dream home is gone!